Reeve Advocates is an experienced Law Firm

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Our Practice Areas

Company Secretaries
We help our clients with compliance with corporate governance and other financial and legal regulations, management of shareholder administration and communication and provision of strategic advice to the company’s board of directors.
Bussiness Consultant
Business & NGO Consultants
We offer advice, training to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Businesses to help them achieve their goals or streamline operations. Consultancy services include assessments, legal advice, project and organizational structure advice.
Legal Consultant
Legal & Management Consultants
Our Legal and Management Consulting teams help our clients achieve their full potential. We provide legal guidance to both businesses and individuals.
Trademark & Patent Agents
We are professionally licensed to advise on and assist inventors with patent applications and guide in application filing.
Tax & Insurance Consultants
We help our clients prepare tax returns, help provide information and advice to help clients fill out their own tax returns and help them prepare for future tax situations, and analyze information to ensure compliance with government regulations. We also advise on insurance related issues.
International Arbitration
International Arbitration
We also offer international arbitration between companies or individuals to resolve cross-border disputes without the need for litigation.
criminal law
International Criminal Law
We are licensed to represent states, organizations and individuals operating across national boundaries in commission of international crimes.

Our Professional Team

Ms. Ainembabazi Eunice
Lucky Pearl Turyaguma
Associate Partner
Ingabire Bonylove

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